Tapestry of Tongues: The Multilingual Matrix of Modern Hebrew Literature

February 23, 2020

Tapestry of Tongues:
The Multilingual Matrix of Modern Hebrew Literature

Screening of “Amos Oz”
Selected scenes from a work-in-progress
In “Ha’Ivrim,” a documentary film series (https://ivrim.co.il)

Followed by:
Conversation with Filmmaker Yair Qedar and UC Berkeley Professors Robert Atler and Chana Kronfeld

The University of California, Berkeley Magnes Collection of Jewish Art,
The Center for Jewish Studies,
The Berkeley Institute of Jewish Law and Israel Studies,
The Bernie H. Williams Chair in Comparative Literature,
The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Chair in Jewish Studies,
The Katherine Bixby Hotchkis Chair in English,
HAMAQOM (formerly Lehrhaus Judaica)

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